If you DISC or personality test your candidates, perhaps a "Grit" test would be a better gauge of future success, especially in sales.
Grit in psychology is a positive,
non-cognitive trait, based
on an individual’s passion for a particular long-term goal or endstate coupled
with a powerful motivation to
achieve their respective objective. This perseverance of effort promotes the
overcoming of obstacles or challenges that lie within a gritty individual’s path
to accomplishment and serves as a driving force in achievement realization.
Commonly associated concepts within the field of psychology include
"perseverance," "hardiness," "resilience,” “ambition,” “need for
achievement” and conscientiousness. These constructs can be
conceptualized as individual differences related to the
accomplishment of work rather than latent ability.This distinction was brought
into focus in 1907 when William James challenged the field to further
investigate how certain individuals are capable of accessing richer trait
reservoirs enabling them to accomplish more than the average person,[1] but the construct
dates back at least to Galton, and the ideals of persistence and tenacity have
been understood as a virtue at least since Aristotle. Although the last decade has seen a
noticeable increase in research focused on achievement-oriented traits, there
continues to be difficulty in aligning specific traits and outcomes.
Definition of Grit
Grit is defined as
“perseverance and passion for long-term goals.” [2]
Building upon biographical collections of famous leaders in history, researchers
and scientists have reached similar conclusions about high achieving
individuals. Specifically, those individuals who were deemed more successful and
influential than their contemporary counterparts typically possessed traits
above and beyond that of normal ability.[3][4][5] While ability was
still critically important, these individuals also possessed “zeal” and
“persistence of motive and effort.”[2]
Duckworth and colleagues (2007) believe this dual-component of Grit to be a
crucial differentiator from similar constructs. Grit is conceptualized as a
stable trait that does not require immediate positive feedback.[2]
Individuals high in Grit are able to maintain their determination and motivation
over long periods of time despite experiences with failure and adversity. Their
passion and commitment towards the long-term objective is the overriding factor
that provides the stamina required to “stay the course” amid challenges and
set-backs. Essentially, the Grittier person is focused on winning the marathon, not the sprint.
Literature Comparisons
Grit and Positive Psychology
Grit also ties in with positive
psychology and in particular, with perseverance. As mentioned earlier, the
ability to stick with and pursue a goal over a long period of time is an
important aspect of Grit. This area of positive psychology has been interested
in the process of perseverance as a positive indicator of long term success.[6] Grit’s inclusion of
the perseverance construct is perhaps unsurprising as Angela Duckworth was a
doctoral candidate under Martin Seligman.
Grit and Intelligence
One of the best
predictors of future achievement has been intelligence.[7] This relationship
has been found in scholastic achievement as well as in job performance.[8] As such, one might
expect that grit would be strongly correlated with intelligence. In fact, this
prompted one of the early questions asked in Grit research, “Why do some
individuals accomplish more than others of equal intelligence?”.[2]
Somewhat surprisingly, in four separate samples, Grit was found to be either orthogonal to or
slightly inversely correlated with intelligence.[9] This means that
Grit, unlike many traditional measures of performance is not tied to
intelligence. As the researchers have suggested, this helps explain why some
very intelligent individuals do not consistently perform well over long periods
of time.
[edit] Grit and Personality Measures
The Grit measure has been
compared to the Big Five personality model, which
are a group of broad personality dimensions consisting of openness to
experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.[10] In one study by
Duckworth and Quinn, the Short Grit Scale (Grit–S) and 12-item self-report
measure of Grit (Grit–O) measuring Grit was strongly correlated with
conscientiousness (r = .77, p <.001 and r = .73, p <.001) (2009). While
Grit is related to conscientiousness measures, it also differs from
conscientiousness in important ways. For example, while both Grit and
conscientiousness are often associated with short term accomplishments, Grit is
also associated with longer term and multi-year goals.[2] This
long-term persistence and dependability are important aspects that make Grit
distinct from conscientiousness. Another personality characteristic that is
often linked to Grit is the need for achievement. One way in which Grit differs
from the need for achievement is that individuals with high scores in Grit often
set extremely long-term goals for themselves and pursue them deliberately even
without positive feedback,[2] while
need for achievement lacks this long-term component.
Traditional constructs in
this area include perseverance, hardiness, resilience, ambition, and need for
achievement. Grit has been argued to be distinguishable from each of these
in the following ways. Perseverance is the
steadfast pursuit of a task, mission, or journey in spite of obstacles,
discouragement, or distraction. In contrast, Grit is argued to be trait to
perseverance. Grit enables an individual to persevere in accomplishing a goal
despite obstacles over an extended period of time.[2] When
compared with the construct of persistence, Grit adds a component of passion for
the goal.[11] This goal passion
also contributes to the ability of the individual to sustain effort over the
long term.
Maddi (2006) defines
hardiness as a combination of attitudes that provide the courage and motivation
to do the hard, strategic work of turning stressful circumstances from potential
disasters into growth opportunities.[12] While Grit
is primarily a measure of an individual’s ability to persist in obtaining a
specific goal over an extended time period (Duckworth et al., 2007), hardiness
refers to an individual’s ability to persist through difficult circumstances and
does not address the individual’s long term persistence toward a specific
goal.[2] Maddi
(2006) developed a theoretical model of hardiness as a tool for developing
Resilience is a dynamic
process in which an individual overcomes significant adversity, usually in the
form of a life changing event or difficult personal circumstances. Resilience
can be conceptualized as an adaptive response to a challenging situation.[13] Grit involves
maintaining goal focused effort for extended periods of time, often while facing
adversity but does not require a critical incident. Importantly, Grit is
conceptualized as a trait while resilience is a dynamic process. Finally,
resilience has been almost exclusively studied in children (cf. Luther,
Doernberger, & Zigler, 1993) who are born into “at-risk” situations.[13] Although
resilience researchers recognize that adults likely demonstrate resilience in a
similar manner to children, the resilience process has not been studied in a
mature population.[14]
Ambition is broadly defined as
the desire for attainment, power, or superiority. In contrast to ambitious
individuals, Gritty individuals do not seek fame or external recognition for
their achievements. Ambition is often associated with a desire for fame.[15] Unlike ambitious
individuals, gritty individuals do not seek to distinguish themselves from other
people, but to obtain personal goals.
McClelland (1961)
describes need
for achievement as a drive to complete manageable goals that enable the
individual to receive immediate feedback.[16] In contrast to
need for achievement, Gritty individuals consciously set long-term goals that
are difficult to attain and do not waver from these difficult goals, regardless
of the presence of feedback. Additionally, need for achievement has been studied
for almost 50 years and has been found to positively correlate to self-efficacy and learning goal
orientation.[17][18] These links have
not yet been tested in the Grit literature.
Scientific Findings
The primary scientific
findings on Grit come from Duckworth and colleagues’ examination of Grit as an
individual difference trait capable of predicting long-term success.[2] It was
proposed that individuals who possess a drive to tirelessly work through
challenges, failures, and adversity to achieve set
goals and are uniquely positioned to reach higher achievements than others who
lack similar stamina. In a series of six studies Duckworth et al. proposed,
developed, and tested a two-factor Grit scale with notable results. In addition
to validating their Grit scale, the authors also found support suggesting that
Grit provided incremental predictive validity for education and age above and
beyond the Big 5 personality traits (Study 2); that higher levels of Grit were
more highly associated with cumulative grade point average (GPA) in an Ivy league sample when compared
to those with lower Grit levels (r = .25, p < .01; Study 3); that Grit
predicted retention after their first summer in two
classes of cadets at the United States Military Academy
(Study 4); and that participants in a National
Spelling Bee with higher Grit scores typically work harder and longer than
less Gritty peers, ultimately resulting in better performance. This series of
studies provides empirical evidence that an individual
difference conceptualized as Grit can account for significant variance in performance across a variety of settings.
Grit predicts beyond the typical and unrelated cognitive construct of IQ and can account for variance
over and above what is observed in the Big 5 personality construct of
In 2009, Duckworth and Quinn found additional support for the Grit construct
when they developed and validated a more condensed version of the Grit Scale
(Grit-S) by removing four of the previous items and improving its psychometric
properties. Using samples from the data collected in their 2007 studies, the
authors were able to achieve complementary results that suggested the positive
relationships between Grit and educational attainment, GPA, retention in
college, and success in a national spelling bee competition.Future Directions
Questions may surface
relating to what additional cognitive and non-cognitive traits play complementary
roles in the development of Grit. Of additional interest may be how the
distinctive environmental conditions, specifically the interrelationships of
emotional and cognitive
load, might moderate and assist in explaining why some individuals succumb
to significant challenges or struggle with obstacles that block their path to
goal achievement, while others are able to overcome these barriers. The United States military believes that
this and similar constructs may assist in explaining why some soldiers are better
equipped to handle the psychological trauma of combat.[19] Other on-going
work includes investigations of the combined or multiplicative impacts of both
cognitive and Grit-like predictors of achievement in leader adaptability situations.[20]
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