Monday, March 7, 2011

100 Geeks to follow on Twitter

By Nicole Bremer Nash
Keep up with the latest geek news and happenings by following Stan Lee, Felicia Day, Stephen Fry, Cory Doctorow, Neil Gaiman, and other people, organizations, and companies on Twitter.

We’re adding to Jay Garmon’s (@jaygarmon) list of 50 ubergeeks worth following on Twitter and his post of 30 more geeks to follow to create this roundup of more than 100 geeky people, organizations, and companies to follow on Twitter. Numbers 1-24 are my suggestions, and 25-100 are Jay’s recommendations (which include his captions, some of which have been updated). We also list TechRepublic writers and editors that you might want to keep up with on Twitter.

1. Keep up with serious science geek Stephen Hawking (@StephenHawking).

2. Stan Lee (@therealstanlee). The legend.

3. Neal deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) the astrophysicist, author of The Pluto Files, NOVA scienceNOW host, and Director of the Hayden Planetarium.

4. Jake von Slatt (@vonslatt) is the proprietor of The Steampunk Workshop. He was featured in our TechRepublic gallery, Steampunk: A way of life for some designers.

5. Jeff Potter (@cookingforgeeks) is the author of Cooking for Geeks.

6. Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) is a comic and actor who is also a self-professed geek. The title of his book Zombie Spaceship Wasteland kind of gives that away.

7. John Graham-Cumming (@jgrahamc), author of The Geek Atlas.

8. Gabe (@cwgabriel) from Penny Arcade tweets geek on a regular basis.

9. Jane McGonigal (@avantgame) is a game designer whom we featured in the TechRepublic blog Building a best-case scenario future through video gaming.

10. The CERN feed (@cern) has the latest updates about the LHC.

11. Know what the heavens have in store by following NASA (@NASA).

12. Douglas H. Wheelock (@Astro_Wheels) is a NASA astronaut.

13. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (@AsteroidWatch) tweets about the things whirling through space.

14. NPR’s Wait Wait,.. Don’t Tell Me! host Peter Sagal (@petersagal) is one hilarious geek guy.

15. John Moe (@johnmoe) of NPR’s Marketplace Tech Report tweets.

16. Science Friday (@scifri) tweets for science geeks.

17. Think Geek (@thinkgeek) has an interesting feed.

18. Official_PAX (@Official_PAX) is a good feed to follow if you want to be sure you get PAX badges before they sell out.

19. Maker Faire NC (@makerfaireNC) focuses on the upcoming NC Maker Faire, but frequently offers interesting links to science geekiness.

20. Hacker News YC (@HackerNewsYC) offers lots of links and other information of geek interest.

21. Check out Geek Girl Camp (@GeekGirlCamp) for some geek girlness.

22. Sweet on Geeks (@SweetonGeeks) helps geeks get some “wookie nookie”.

23. Jeri Ryan (@JeriLRyan) from Star Trek is still a geek favorite.

24. Seth Green (@sethgreen) of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Robot Chicken, and Family Guy fame.

25. Wil Wheaton (@wilw) - Don’t call him Wesley Crusher, because he’s so much more awesome than that.

26. Felicia Day (@feliciaday) - Vi from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Creator of The Guild. Gaming goddess. She is also now on a six-part web series for Dragon Age (@dragonage).

27. Scott Kurtz (@pvponline) - Writer/artist of the Web comic PvP.

28. Tobias Buckell (@tobiasbuckell) - Caribbean-born sci-fi writer exiled to Ohio.

29. Mary Robinette Kowal (@MaryRobinette) - Puppeteer, voice-actress, and sci-fi writer.

30. Warren Ellis (@warrenellis) - Profane and ingenious writer of comics, books, TV, and video games.

31. Phil Plait (@BadAstronomer) - Evangelizing astronomer, educator, and movie science geek.

32. LeVar Burton (@levarburton) - Actor/educator of Reading Rainbow, Roots, ST: TNG. Technophile.

33. Jon Favreau (@jon_favreau) - Comedic actor. Director of Elf, Iron Man, Iron Man 2, and now Cowboys & Aliens.

34. Stephen Fry (@stephenfry) - Sublimely funny British actor, author, and comic.

35. Agent M (@Agent_M) - Insider blogger for Marvel Comics.

36. Chris Hardwick (@nerdist) - Musician, comic, actor, and Attack of the Show dude.

37. FragDolls (@FragDolls) - Hot babes who play video games for a living.

38. John Cleese (@JohnCleese) - Monty Pythonite and so much more.

39. John Scalzi (@scalzi) - Snarktacular science-fiction writer and blogger.

40. Valerie D’Orazio (@ohsuperheroine) - Writer/blogger/activist for women in comics.

41. Lore Sjöberg (@loresjoberg) - Wired magazine’s animator/artist/comic-in-residence.

42. John Hodgman (@hodgman) - Deadpan nerd-comic, actor, and Daily Show correspondent.

43. Greg Grunberg (@greggrunberg) - Web fanatic who plays Parkman on Heroes.

44. Brent Spiner (@BrentSpiner) - Faux-curmudgeon comic who once played Data on ST:TNG.

45. Neil Gaiman (@neilhimself) - Writer of fantasy comics and prose that get made into major movies.

46. Penn Jillette (@pennjillette) - The vocal half of comic/magic/activist duo Penn & Teller.

47. David Hewlett (@dhewlett) - More than just the guy who played Rodney McKay on Stargate: Atlantis.

48. Martin Sargent (@martinsargent) - Manchild super-nerd from various tech TV shows.

49. Olivia Munn (@oliviamunn) - The hottie actress and former cohost of Attack of the Show.

50. Scott Beale (@laughingsquid) - Geek-blogger supreme from

51. Major Nelson (@majornelson) - Yes, Xbox fanboys, that Major Nelson.

52. Brea Grant (@breagrant) - Music-lover, actress, and geek known as Daphne from Heroes.

53. Jeph Jacques (@jephjacques) - Writer/artist behind the Web comic Questionable Content.

54. Cory Doctorow (@doctorow) - Co-founder of BoingBoing, copyfighter, sci-fi writer, etc.

55. Robert Bowling (@fourzerotwo) - Gaming blogger and employee at Infinity Ward.

56. Eddie Izzard (@eddieizzard) - Crossdressing super-nerd British comedian.

57. Amber Benson (@amber_benson) - Tara from Buffy turned writer/actress/geek.

58. John Joseph Adams (@johnjosephadams) - Leading editor and reviewer of sci-fi and fantasy.

59. Cherie Priest (@cmpriest) - Southern gothic fantasy/horror author exiled to Seattle.

60. Lar deSouza (@lartist) - Artist for Web comics Looking For Group and Least I Could Do.

61. MC Frontalot (@mc_frontalot) - Nerdcore rap star.

62. John Denardo (@sfsignal) - Blogger-in-chief at

63. David Willis (@Shortpacked) - Writer/artist for the toy-collector Web comic Shortpacked.

64. R. Stevens (@rstevens) - Writer/artist for the pixelated hipster-geek comic Diesel Sweeties.
65. Dave Zatz (@davezatz) - Consumer technology reviewer and insider.

66. Jonathan Coulton (@jonathancoulton) - Nerd-pop recording artist.

67. Rich Johnston (@richjohnston) - Comic book industry’s most notorious rumor-monger.

68. Brian Michael Bendis (@BRIANMBENDIS) - Writer of comic books, notably Ultimate Spider-man.

69. Jay Lake (@jay_lake) - Writer/editor/blogger of science fiction books.

70. Rob Corddry (@robcorddry) - Ascerbic nerd comic and actor.

71. Kevin Smith (@ThatKevinSmith) - Geekish writer/director/actor who gave us Clerks and Dogma.

72. Paul and Storm (@paulandstorm) - Comedic musician duo with a nerdy flair who participate in w00tstock.

73. Bill Amend (@billamend) - Creator of the comic strip Foxtrot.

74. Charlie Jane Anders (@charliejane) - Sci-fi blogger, author, and magazine editor.

75. Kevin J. Anderson (@TheKJA) - Sci-fi author famous for Dune and Star Wars tie-ins.

76. Elizabeth Bear (@matociquala) - Accomplished writer of sci-fi/fantasy short stories.

77. Jamais Cascio (@cascio) - Highly respected futurist and techno-cultural commentator.

78. Bill Corbett (@BillCorbett) - The voice and mind behind Crow T. Robot from MST3K.

79. Danielle Corsetto (@dcorsetto) - Writer/artist of the Web comic Girls With Slingshots.

80. Andy Diggle (@andydiggle) - British writer/editor of comic books.

81. Chris Eliopoulos (@chriseliopoulos) - Creator of the Web comic Misery Loves Sherman.

82. Matt Fraction (@mattfraction) - Indie comic book creator gone mainstream.

83. Irene Gallo (@IreneGallo) - Art Director for Tor.

84. Meredith Gran (@granulac) - Writer/artist for the Web comic Octopus Pie.

85. Jonathan Hickman (@JHickman) - Mindbending indie comics creator.

86. Grant Imahara (@grantimahara) - Grant from MythBusters.

87. Paul Levinson (@PaulLev) - Communications researcher, professor, and sci-fi novelist.

88. Robert “Bobby Lew” Llewelyn (@bobbyllew) - Kryten from Red Dwarf.

89. Rich Lovatt (@richl1) - Comics blogger and creator of the Web comic Mecha-Simian.

90. Kevin Murphy (@kwmurphy) - Human voice/writer behind Tom Servo from MST3K.

91. Theresa Nielsen Hayden (@tnielsenhayden) - Sci-fi editor and comments admin for BoingBoing.

92. Patrick Nielsen Hayden (@pnh) - Senior Editor at Tor.

93. Chris Pramas (@Pramas) - The man at Green Ronin Games.

94. Terry Pratchett (@terryandrob) - Yes, boys and girls, that Terry Pratchett.

95. Joe Quesada (@JoeQuesada) - Chief Creative Officer at Marvel Comics.

96. Michael A. Stackpole (@MikeStackpole) - Sci-fi novelist known for his Star Wars and Battletech tie-ins.

97. Kris Straub (@krisstraub) - Writer and artist of the Web comics Starslip and chainsawsuit.

98. Ben Templesmith (@Templesmith) - Stylish and profane artist for various horror/noir comics.

99. Rainn Wilson (@rainnwilson) - Dwight from The Office, only moreso, ’cause he’s real.

100. Weird Al Yankovic (@alyankovic) - Dude, seriously, you don’t know Weird Al?

Don't forget to add us to you list @IndigoOceans!

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